How To Write SEO-Friendly Content

SEO Means Search Engine Optimization If you want to become a content writer, the most important thing to do when you go looking for a job is to write SEO-optimized content. I will tell you all this in today's article.
how to make your blog posts SEO friendly

I will give you 5 points if you follow all the 5 points then I will guarantee you will become a good content writer.
- 100 original content
You have to write content in which no line is copied from the internet. There are some tools that you can use to check whether your content is original or not, for example. 1
- You have to write content in simple wording
Now what happens is when people take a content writer perspective that I want to be a professional contractor, I'm going to use hard, hard, big words, then maybe my career as a content writer will never work. Because the thing is, the Internet. But people's fan attention is very less. They get bored within 5 minutes. If you write big words, this content will not be understood by people, and they will not read your content. You have to write as if you are talking to a normal person. Doing or explaining to a five-year-old child. More than ever, your content should flow, and your words should flow in a good way, so you will have to read a lot of content. research would say you should read novels because real flow words are in novels. So you should start reading a lot of books. Try to read at least one book a week. Read 52 books a year to get the flow you need to fit into your writing. Along with that, your language will improve. You need to be a good content writer. Language has a great meaning in making.
- How to research
Now what you have to do is a keyword comes that the client has given you to write an article on that keyword, now you have the keyword. You have to search it on Google which will be the top 20 articles you have made notes on while reading them. Now, what do you have to write in the notes? You have to see what topics they have covered. Another thing is to note their headings and sub-headings. And the third thing is what they didn't cover you have to cover in your articles. So when you have the notes of these three points of the entire twenty articles then you have to follow the next step.
- How to write content With SEO optimize
In this step, you have to remember your one goal. Your goal is only one and that is to make your article better than these 20 articles. How will you make it?
First of all, you have to cover your topic and cover all the topics sub-topics you have created for yourself and also add your prospect to it. For example, let's say that I have to write an article on how to be a YouTuber in 2023, so I saw that in the 20 articles, what have they discussed, how to stop the camera, how to speak confidently, and how you I want to post my YouTube video I noticed that they didn't mention how to do YouTube SEO and they didn't mention how to promote the video so I included those two things in my article. Need to add When you add so much to create such powerful content, Google will necessarily anchor it.
- Tips that helped me a lot in writing a good SEO-friendly content
Tip no 1
The first tab you should use is whatever the topic of the articles will be the title, you should have at least five subheadings within it.
Tip no 2
Write an article in list format For example, in how to be a YouTuber, here you are given five lists because the articles in the list are easy to read and easy to remember, and they also increase people's interest. are
Tip no 3
The conclusion should be written at the top You have to tell everything in the first three lines of your article that you have written in your entire article. Let's say you have to write an article of 2000 words. The reader will be so happy that he has given me such good information in the first two or three lines that he will then read your entire article line by line.
Tip no4
You have to write short sentences of good quality because people pay more attention to short sentences.
Tip no 5
For example, if someone has given you a topic to write an article on it, it does not end here that you write an article on that topic. Rather, you should search for keywords related to the topic that is searched more on Google. You can easily find keywords with Google Keyword Planner. Be sure to put four to five keywords in each article. When you write so many keywords in an article, that article will be very powerfully optimized.
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Abdul Rehman
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